Throughout the ages, money has been blamed for so many scandals, raised eyebrows, destruction and most of all the Internal Struggle WITHIN the human psyche.
Money is also one of the main contributors of PLEASURE and PAIN in life.
This article is going to be about the discussion of MONEY, why it's important for you, why if you are serious about attracting your desires you need money and how to work with money so you can attract it and learn to love it.
No matter what your desire is, your passion or your purpose is, you are going to need money in order to fulfil it.
You need money to feed yourself, clothe yourself, put a roof over your head, to educate yourself, to buy the supplies to create your product or service that you can use to create a life and a lifestyle in this reality,
Money is essential. That’s a fact.
Yes money is a tool, however learning to LOVE money is CRITICAL and crucial to the ATTRACTION of the life and lifestyle you want to create.
So isn’t it time that you started to learn to love money, to understand the energy of money, and learn to give it a loving home to come to and grow and work with it so that you can make a difference in the world?
When you think of all of the wonderful things that money allows you to have, be, do and give, you begin to APPRECIATE it.
Hating money or being jealous of those who have it, is not going to help you to achieve your goals, or to give yourself and your loved ones the life that you would like them to experience.
Money is simply energy that is NEUTRAL.
It does NOT have a positive or negative charge.
It's NEITHER evil nor is it good.
Money in itself has NO power!
The Power of CREATION or DESTRUCTION is given TO money by the HOLDER of money.
That power is given to money by YOU.
In other words, YOU give money its power to create, or destroy!
So if you want money to be used for good, for building the kind of world you would like to live in, then why don’t you learn to LOVE money and take it off the hands of those who are mis-using it?
So you see, the ability to make money, grow money, become rich and use that money to create and build a wonderful and beautiful world is an amazing goal and an achievement for anyone to have and to leave a legacy of.
The next time you think unkindly about money, think about all the wonderful things that you can create by being the holder of money.
I hope that this article has helped you and inspired you to look at money with new eyes, and see it as something wonderful with which you can create an absolutely magnificent life, lifestyle and leave a lasting legacy of beauty, kindness, love, and joy.
Therefore isn’t money a wonderful tool and a beautiful energy to work with to bring about beauty, kindness, love, joy and blissfulness to everyone?
As always if you would like to work with me, I would love to hear from you and you can reach me at www.SoulEnchantress.com
Joyous Blessings
Soul Enchantress
The Soul Enchantress is an energetic visionary, wisdom keeper and cosmic seer, sorceress and shaman who works with clients around the globe.
She helps business leaders, star-seeds and seekers of soul-aligned fulfilment find solutions to their problems, achieve HUGE goals and design a luxuriously fulfilling soul~driven lifestyle that allows them to live, work and play on their terms.
Her work is highly sought after and you can Learn More here... www.SoulEnchantress.com