Majority of people FEAR Success MORE than they fear Failure?!
The main REASON Why you keep on living a life, doing work, making money and running businesses that are NOT aligned with your soul is because of fear.
Your fears can take many different forms and create many different patterns, here are a few examples:
Fear of losing the attention you are currently receiving as someone who is “struggling”.
Fear of doing better than your family, friends, husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, and therefore being treated differently or worse still being ostracised.
Fear of not being loved if you are successful.
Fear of following your soul’s true desires and your true calling and making money from your innate abilities and talents because they are outside of societal norms.
Fear of being abandoned.
Fear of being alone.
Fear of success changing who you are.
But here’s the energetic truth.....
Success and Money does NOT change you.
BECAUSE success and money can only ENHANCE what you already ARE and therefore can only make you MORE of who you ALREADY are!!!
As I said above your list of fears can take many forms and create many different patterns.
Here’s an ACRONYM for your Fears… they are ALL False Experiences Appearing Real.
And ONLY YOU can make the decision to STOP being Driven by your Fears and INSTEAD to be Driven by your soul.
It is a journey of self discovery for you to find out what your fears are and how to release them and how to create an energetic bridge to get you from where you are to where you want to be.
Guiding Business Leader to access Ancient Wisdom & Powerful Energetic Tools for sacred money making and living a deeply fulfilling life is my life’s work.
If you would like my help I invite you to step into my Sacred Wisdom Library of Sacred Money Making and Blissful Living!
Learn More at www.SoulEnchantress.com
Soul Enchantress is a globally sought~after energetic visionary, cosmic sorceress, seer, shaman and business speaker, who works with business leaders around the globe.
She guides you to create deep fulfilment, access profound clarity, achieve HUGE goals and design a blissful soul~driven lifestyle that integrates the unseen realms and ancient wisdom.
Her work is incredibly powerful, effective and highly coveted.
Learn More here... www.SoulEnchantress.com