Well, now I’ve done it!
The headline of this article may in some societies be considered sacrilegious.
However I’ve come to realise as I evolve each day and work with so many people on their money and love energies that the statement I just made IS the TRUTH.
So WHY should you fix your money flow first?
Before I reveal the answer, here are a few things that you need to acknowledge.
Money IS present in EVERY facet of your life.
It allows you to enjoy the material parts of this world.
Money just like Love is an ENERGY as are YOU.
As much as people like to say that money is unimportant, at the end of the day if you live in any city that has comfortable housing, electricity, running water, a nutritious food supply, transportation and amenities of modern convenience, you NEED money to survive and to live comfortably.
Money is much more than currency, it is an energy that also provides something more IMPORTANT than everything it can buy you materially.
That is Independence and Freedom.
Financial independence allows you the freedom to create your OWN rules to living your life.
This freedom also has added bonuses that are its by-products – a sense of worthiness, self-fulfillment and self-achievement.
A vibrant money flow allows you to be responsible for your OWN wellbeing.
When you achieve these INTANGIBLE qualities that come as by-products of a strong, healthy flow of money, you are automatically in a much more buoyant and healthy vibrational frequency.
This frequency will help you to attract the kind of love life that FULFILS you INSTEAD of you attracting the type of partners who are simply there to fill a NEED for comfort, share the bills, to help make you feel whole, make you feel good about yourself etc.
When you ARE already fulfilled, financially independent AND have a sense of worthiness BEFORE you share your life with someone, your connection and levels of intimacy will be of much higher quality.
If you are already in a relationship and / or are married, simply work on creating your OWN level of financial independence, this will help you open MORE of yourself and receive more within your relationship than ever before.
If you would like my help to create a strong, vibrant, healthy flow of Money or to attract Love and Bliss in your life and lifestyle, I would love to hear from you.
As always you will find me at www.SoulEnchantress.com
Joyous Blessings
Soul Enchantress
Oooh don’t forget to get your monthly Quick-Fixes for Money Flow & Detoxing PLUS Access Your Digital Workshop (if you haven’t already) on HOW YOU CAN ATTRACT YOUR DESIRES EASILY - visit www.SoulEnchantress.com